Here many tools, tips & features to help you with your WSX5 projects.
Enjoy !!!
Investigate each page to have better understanding
If problem with a page, test it with other browser (chrome, firefox ...)
JS, Jquery, CSS
Heartbeat demo, Jquery effects, JS timers, B-Day, Happy New Year, Countdown, Textillate effect, Play Casino !, Watch slides, Password generator, Menus generator, Charts generator, Refresh WSX5 captcha, Email / email check fields on same line, Circle Menus, Sound on mouse hover, Elastic slideshow, Visual password, Jquery Gauges 1 & 2, Separators, Color bullet, , Fullscreen slideshow, Raphael JS menu, Animated cube 2D menu, Confettis, Scoring, Lavalamp menus, Shaker effects, Tabulous effects, Sticker effects, Circular-Reveal effect, Direction-aware hover effects, Circulate effect, Metallic buttons, Flashing effects, Carve effect, Static Charts, Real time charts, Image rounded corners, Objects rotation, Audio On-Off, Navigation bullets, Animated favicon, Popup onloading page, Simple textillate effects, Simple Logo slider, Animated tab, Progress bar, Layer image slider, JS script to control default & min product quantity, CSS code to blurr background page with an advertising popup message, New CSS code for specific product into catalog, Audio Player added into a product, New CSS code to change background color of one product sheet, Fluo/Neon effect with product sheet, Bitcoin value real time, Copied selected text by one click, Ajax audio player, How to show password, Play music and to continue whilst on any page, Nice image gallery & CSS, Nice bubbles for fun, Nice animated Christmas tree, Nice icons with CSS, Nice diagonal text, Nice rotating cube 3D + image link, Nice accordion with CSS only, Pur wavy 3D with CSS, Nice parallax effect with picture, 45 modern buttons by CSS, Modern login page via CSS, Animated text with CSS, Nice gradiant text effect with pure CSS, How to display a popup message on a page, Billard balls with CSS, Nice free timeline, Powerful light effect pure JS, Nice circle clock, Automatic form amount calculation, Nice Christmas button, Radio buttons and sliding focus, Very nice animated buttons, Nice Painty Blurry text (advanced code), Menu hover effect, Accordion/FAQ's with Javascript ONLY, New timeline with CSS only, Nice Christmas button, Parallax & hover image, Retro effect, Animated metallic effect, Nice train clock, Private acces page and expiration date, 100 years clock
Audio Player demo, Buttons generator, Information buttons, Printing button, Social icon bar generator, Private page access, XLS Sheet to HTML table generator, HTML popup generator, Weather widget generator, Sudoku generator, Restaurant table reservation, Report an issue, HTML5 webcam, Xmas icons & pictures, Reveal-hover effect, Geolocation by IP, Device detection, Changing user's password, Automatic download on mousover, Translation buttons, HTML pop-up window, Display/Hide text, Logout function into HTML or text object, Full Video & simple sound On/Off, 3D coverflow, Page Overlay, Color/blinking text into cart, Displaying Order Num with payment return pages, Button + Icon Generator, New website with nice plugins, Loader examples, Pricing Table with custom HTML code, QRcode generation (+private data), Label form customization, Display list into a form regarding other choice, Shape divider, Footer shape divider, Shape divider examples, Blobs examples and bullet lists, Great SVG/PNG generator, HTML zone map generator, Text line added by CSS for a product catalog, 4 exemples of Mondial Relay shipment options, Dynamic blinking popup message, Custom form sent with customer email address, Simple floating button, Button play/pause with content slider, Nice gallery effect, Responsive food menu, Nice password field, +1000 free ressources for your projects, Nice processing image transition, Great menu circle hover effect, Santa Christmas animation, Display logged username (need to be logged), Gallery with random pictures, Free 3D/ 360 image viewer, Nice automatic slideshow, Great accessibility script, Summary HTML element effect
DB Tool
WSX5 Admin - Back Office for e-Commerce (EOL - End of Life)
Plugins in this demo
Users Management
Directory Listing (out of date)
Directory Listing v2.1 (via iframe) - admin/password
Random Messages (discount sales)
Random Messages (customer feedback)
Random Messages (Fictive sales)
Monetico custom payement
Crédit Agricole custom payment
Crédit Agricole 3D Secure custom payment
Payzen - Lyra Networks custom payment
Lyra Collect - Lyra Networks custom payment
Clic & Pay - Crédit du Nord custom payment
SogeCommerce - Société Générale custom payment
SystemPay - BPCE Caisse Epargne custom payment
CSB - Calédonienne des Services Bancaires custom payment
Payplug custom payment
eProcessing Network custom payment
Cashfree custom payment
Zaapkpay / Mobiwik custom payment
PayUmoney custom payment (bug confirmed by bank)
Eurobank custom payment
Private access page (via popup windows)
RazorPay custom payment
Instamojo custom payment
Flutterwave custom payment
UPI QRcode For Mob App custom payment
UPI QR Code SEPA custom payment
UPI QR Code SEPA Swiss & Liechtenstein custom payment
Google Pay custom payment
ThePay custom payment
SimplePay custom payment
Iyzipay custom payment
GoPay custom payment
FastPay custom payment
More infos
- Change DB parameters into external afs-demo/dbconnection.php file for MySQL / SQL demos with your DB
- The new website is up to offer to you many scripts useful for your project. Have fun !
Animated catalog separator
Payment column at 0€ removed
Payzen - Lyra Networks custom payment (Fictive CB into demo UI)
Lyra Collect - Lyra Networks custom payment (Fictive CB into demo UI)
Clic & Pay - Crédit du Nord custom payment (Fictive CB into demo UI)
SogeCommerce - Société Générale custom payment
SystemPay - BPCE Caisse Epargne custom payment (Fictive CB into demo UI)
CSB - Calédonienne des Services Bancaires custom payment (Fictive CB into demo UI)
eProcessing Network custom payment
Eurobank custom payment
Cashfree custom payment
Zaapkpay / Mobiwik custom payment
PayUmoney custom payment
RazorPay custom payment
Instamojo custom payment
Flutterwave custom payment
Google Pay custom payment
ThePay custom payment
UPI QRcode For Mob App custom payment
UPI QR Code SEPA custom payment
UPI QR Code SEPA Swiss & Liechtenstein custom payment
SimplePay custom payment
Iyzipay custom payment
GoPay custom payment
FastPay custom payment
CSS code to change availability & price text aspect
CSS code to have a link button into the catalog (Look at Specific Product)
Audio player into a product
WSX5 Invoice Manager to generate and to email WSX5 invoices online just by one click
Fluo/Neon effect with product sheet
Text line added by CSS for a specific product
3 exemple of Mondial Relay Shipment options
Control minimum of products into the cart
Mondial Relay & Relais Colis shipment examples
New codes & Tips in this version
Pure CSS background design
Nice shapes alphabet via CSS
Cool hover effect
Thank you !
To encourage me to continue to provide nice tools to improve your projects
click below I could drink one beer or more :-)

Users feedback is here !
12 commentaires
Jeudi 14 Mar 2024
Axel maîtrise le code à la perfection, il a su trouver une solution pour intégrer Mondial Relay à mon site, alors que dans la version de WSX5 Pro actuelle que j'utilise ce n'est pas prévu... En plus de rédiger cela il a rédigé un PDF explicatif, moi qui ne suis pas un expert en ligne de code, j'ai su le mettre en pratique facilement, cela fonctionne impeccable ! Merci encore Axel !
C'est un super technicien c'est un bon instructeur ce sont des bons plugins que je vais installer sur mes sites pro ... vraiment c'est super de travailler avec une personne comme Axel.
A suivre et à recommander
A suivre et à recommander
Jeudi 03 Fév 2022
Super plugin ! super Axel ! Merci