Contact WSX5 Beta Program - The best X5 website demo by AF Software

WSX5 Demo
Feb  2025

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Welcome to this form to ask for a
Beta version of WSX5 Admin plugin

This plugin will not be free of charge, so it's why a Beta program is opened to help us to optimize any issues, bugs found during this Beta program.
Any users which asks us to become a Beta user will receive a link to download the software. The software is protected by a license key.

After the Beta program, any registered Beta user will receive a lifetime license key for free! But to get a license free you will need to return us some informations to improve software and documentation during your tests. If there is no returned information, you will not have a free license. You need to "play the game" !

The license key is based on an email address. So the email address provides here will be used to generate your license key.

There is just 15 lifetime licenses for free ...
Let's go to be the first to test it !!



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